Which Way Will Omicron Go?

Maybe this time, we will stop listening to ignorant idiots?

Mike Meyer
3 min readNov 29, 2021


by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ November 28, 2021

The next few days are going to be exciting but not in a good way. With luck, this will be of only short-term interest as another bump in the pandemic road. Anxiety among the literate will spike, the death cult will denounce reality while their apparatchiks devise podcast conspiracies to feed the residents of Meta’s Facebook universe and extract dollars for themselves.

At 7.30 a.m. on Wednesday, Kristian Andersen, an infectious disease researcher at Scripps Research in San Diego, received a message on Slack: “This variant is completely insane.” Source: Science

Omicron has popped up around the planet, starting from South Africa. On Friday, the stock markets went into a dive; governments enforce travel bans from Africa and look at emergency measures, and mainstream media is surprisingly quiet. So is it the calm before the storm?

Officially there is too little known of this variant, but its thirty-plus mutations on the spike protein alone make it “insane.” Messaging from scientists discussing this includes words like “bonkers.” Nothing good comes from viral changes that are bonkers.



Mike Meyer
Mike Meyer

Written by Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/

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