What We Know Will Happen

2022 predictions are not hard, but they are not what we want

Mike Meyer
4 min readJan 3, 2022


Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ January 2, 2022

Early January is crystal ball time. Even if they deny it as a waste of time, everyone wants to take a peek at what the future will bring. Most things will be the same but the differences are what we want to understand. Change is the issue, whether driven by hope or fear.

The business world is both the primary source and primary consumer of fortune-telling. These predictions are carefully identified as trend analysis by faceless experts or visions if done by noted individuals. Only in the medicine show world of late capitalist markets are the secret to coming fortunes revealed.

All of this is little different from the efforts of the ancient Shang Chinese analysts. They answered essential questions about the future written on tortoise shells after burning them and interpreting the resulting cracks.

21st-century analysts dispense with tortoise shells, tea leaves, or chicken entrails as those no longer add validity as channels for supernatural forces to communicate on important issues. In our world, people who have made lots of money must know something, at least about making money.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at https://rlandok.substack.com/