This Is Not a Supply Chain Issue

This is the collapse of the old order and its economic disasters

Mike Meyer
5 min readOct 9, 2021
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ October 8, 2021

We are so thoroughly screwed that hope is becoming just a rumor. And even that rumor is lost in the deluge of idiocy that is overwhelming us with the raw, ugly absurdity that is impossible to ignore.

This deluge is the consequence of a single-minded effort to continue screwing everyone else on the planet while refusing to admit any remorse, let alone guilt, for America's construction of an economy based on planetary rape. That effort achieved terrific success in wealth that has converted to a new aristocracy primarily living on financial gains unrelated to value and dedicated to endless consumption with massively distorted asset distribution.

The chickens of planetary destruction have come home to roost. But, of course, no one likes to admit that they have gloriously screwed themselves.

We did it, and a significant part of our population is going crazy because they don't want to admit it. We have a name for this, and it is 'doubling down.' If you can't figure out how you made such a mess, you refuse to admit it is a mess and insist that it is precisely what we all should be doing.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at