The Weekly Flail — July 13, 2024
Winnowing the media
It is a complicated world. France and Great Britain seem to have saved themselves from the neofascist frenzy resulting from the accelerating collapse of the Modern World, i.e., the American Empire. However, I wouldn’t bet much money on the reprieve, as it is another case of recycling the same old ideas. The problems are foundational and date back to the founding of capitalist nation-states concurrent with the Dutch and British East India Companys in 1600 and 1601. Yes, there is definitely a bit of irony there.
I should have labeled this the IRONIC OVERVIEW. The American political system is in tatters, and we may end up with no presidential candidates by August, as both are of questionable competence. To be blunt, Trump is disintegrating mentally much faster than Biden, but it is a race of dementia versus frailty. Irony strikes again, as neither will have any effect on the massive neoliberal machine that is gobbling up the planet and its biosphere.
War continues to be the most profitable aspect of late-stage capitalism. Biden has begun tut-tutting Netanyahu for genocide by any other name as America’s campus residents don’t like it, but the Zionist monster is voracious and owns the banks.