The New Climate Gnosticism

Except this is based on science and not mysticism

Mike Meyer
4 min readNov 17, 2023


A man concentrating on a book in a meadow by the sea.
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

We have entered a period of orthodox ignorance as the climate crisis becomes a planetary disaster. The vast and growing data-based knowledge of global warming and its consequences is readily available.

That knowledge is overwhelming as it shows no reasonable means of avoiding the extension of the sixth great extinction to humanity and our modern civilization. We have the wealth, knowledge, and resources to reduce this disaster’s effects but cannot prevent it. And are unwilling to make more than a token effort.

Even our token efforts in conversion to alternate forms of renewable energy are based on the same mistaken concepts of unlimited growth and resource exploitation. That these concepts are the cause of accelerating climate catastrophe are fully understood.

That they can be ignored or acknowledged and minimized has become an object of faith among the Western Empire’s national leaders and cannot be questioned. The mass of the population follows this and accepts it mostly without comment.

Efforts to discuss the reality with people based on scientific knowledge and growing daily natural disasters, large and small, meet silence or denial. Why?



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at