The Hidden World War

Fighting the climate apocalypse and those addicted to its causes

Mike Meyer
6 min readMay 2, 2024
Material Wealth [Prompt: modern city street with many rich people as miserable homeless hoarding piles of fashion clothes and goods MSPilot -Powered by DALL·E 3

Our days of wine and roses are gone. That was the name of a film and an award-winning theme song from many years ago. It was a tragic love story about alcoholism and the refusal to admit addiction.

We are addicted to an economic system that was fun for many years but ultimately destructive. Addiction of any type tears people apart and ultimately kills them. The resulting conflict is brutal, replacing rational thought with obsession and love with hate.

As the embodiment of the Modern World, the American Empire is much more complex than a simple story of an alcoholic couple. The scale of our tragedy is planetary, and the addictions that consume us are multi-layered, but they come down to the same tragic outcome.

Our primary addiction is fossil fuels. The energy from those ancient hydrocarbons has allowed us to provide power and materials for our needs and dreams for three hundred years without considering the cost.

We have used millions of years of geological chemistry as if there were no end. After two centuries and millions of deaths, we realized that pollution cannot be ignored. But we have those who still love that and consider those who cannot afford to escape it as unworthy of life.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at