Member-only story
The First Trump Truth
There will be only one and everything else is a lie
by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ October 5, 2020
Any time you see the words COVID and TRUMP in the same sentence, you know you are in the same world that gave us Military and Intelligence as a thing. These words in close conjunction tell us we are in fantasy land devoid of anything even resembling truth.
Since SARS-CoV-2 neatly hoist Trump on his own petard, Trump’s sicknesses have come full circle. His plague has become him. Trump has merged with his pandemic despite months of denial.
Trump’s mental illness demands that he lie to save his delusions. Everyone understands this and lives with the low grade, daily nausea of watching this tragedy wind its way to greater and greater destruction.
He cannot stop as the weight of 210,000 deaths so far in the US alone requires lies of a proportionate size for him to avoid having his delusions crushed by those dead bodies . We now see an insane man frantically bailing out his sinking ship with a teacup as the virus consumes him while he screams that he has won.
Everyone with any access to world news knows the tale, the certainty of total lying, and the futility of lying to a coronavirus that does not care. But all reality is now Trump’s enemy just as truth has…