The Best Hope for Biden’s Inauguration

There are no good expectations

Mike Meyer
5 min readJan 18, 2021
Photo by Ian Hutchinson on Unsplash

By Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ January 18, 2021

The worst thing that can happen on inauguration day is nothing. The second worse thing would be a crazed attack by Trump zombies against Biden’s security troops and police. Those are the only two options, and both are terrible.

We are exhausted by decades of national decline that resembles the loss of options and hope with human aging. It is slow and inevitable enough that you must live with it, and so you do.

The last nineteen years added a national case of paranoia and depression courtesy of another in the long history of Republican administrations resulting in economic disaster. This was combined with two major wars against small middle easter countries driven by a counter-attack against US policies in the Middle East.

Added to the fifty-year grind of wage stagnation was the steady loss of public services in the planned neoliberal capitalist siphoning of assets to the kleptocrats. The kleptocrats used our stolen assets to buy the rest of the US government. The middle class became the majority precariat class.

This reached a stage in the decline of the body politic that all hope was applied to Obama to save us. But Obama worked to protect the same…



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at