Still Pounding Sand

Mike Meyer
3 min read5 days ago

But the evil grows worse

Photo by Sharad Bhat on Unsplash

No one collapsed on stage. Damn.

In this case, Trump kept his mouth shut except when spewing his usual lies, but Biden had a bad day. When you are old, you have bad days.

Is this the end of the world? Yes, but this election and anything related is an anticlimax to the larger disaster that is still being ignored.

Despite the panic in the Democratic Party ranks, Trump is still a fascist asshole who is bug fuck crazy. No one is talking about Trump because older adults have bad days, and demented people have good days.

Trump is not an answer but only a threat. As was said about the debate, Biden had a bad day, but Trump is a bad person.

What more is there to say? Trump is a loaded gun with one empty cylinder. That is terrible odds for a game of Russian roulette. He is a con artist and a low-grade performer. People get tricked when he is hitting on all cylinders, but that is a decreasing condition.

The question is, will enough of those people put the gun to our collective heads in November and pull the trigger? That is not a pleasant thought.

It is never good to put a bad person in a position of great power. With Biden, we have an American Empire traditionalist who is also a militarist and now a Zionist…



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at