Reviewing Our Options

Mike Meyer
7 min readFeb 7, 2024

We don't need shades.

How is this going to play out? We have rosy economic news daily, with inflation reportedly under control, although a bit challenging to see daily; interest rates are expected to begin dropping this summer, wages are up, and everyone can work.

Officially, the rulers are singing The Future Is So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades, but the citizen chorus is not joining in. Is something desperately wrong with the message?

Meanwhile, our tech corporations, the one area of safe employment growth, are laying off up to 25% of their workers, and the government is committed to instigating a major war in the Middle East to protect Israel's Palestinian genocide in Gaza.

The entire Middle East War now includes major attacks on Iraq, Syria, and Yemen (not counting Somalia) while providing direct support and munitions to Israel for use against Palestine and to Ukraine for use against Russia.

Oops, Russia is not in the Middle East. That is the Eastern European War, which is currently being downplayed pending plans to close the Mexican border while concentration camps are again set up. This was the plan to fund Gaza and get the Ukraine War going again. Unfortunately, the complete dysfunctionality of the American Congress is complicating things.



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at