How Bad Will It Get?

Where do we look for success?

Mike Meyer
5 min readJan 11, 2022
Photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash

by Mike Meyer ~ Honolulu ~ January 10, 2022

Our dilemma is figuring out how bad this is going to get. While there has been a great effort in putting a positive spin on things at the start of 2022, the reality is not promising.

We have lots of lipstick that is not helping the pig of the new year. Maybe it will grow into something prettier, but how that could happen is not apparent. There are many routes to hell and only a few to general wellbeing.

Denial and avoidance are dominant, and, I think, a majority of people see this. But, even if you cannot boldly face what is happening, you realize that none of us can permanently avoid reality. Avoided realities have a vicious bite.

I have trouble with the constant upbeat patter on American economics that is thrilled with expanding capital flows to the same small group that got us into this disaster over the last decades. The simultaneous trumpeting of doom over inflation rings equally false.

We know from decades of experience that fears of inflation are inherent in the boom-bust cycles of capitalist economics, but these are excuses for austerity that further enrich the same elite. The system is old and tired, and the patterns are so ingrained in our society that most people see them as…



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at