Circling Vultures

For the 4th of July

Mike Meyer
3 min read3 days ago
Photo by Casey Allen on Unsplash

Our holidays are becoming more intense. There is no time to waste.

The temperatures are rising despite endless denial. The climate has changed on planet Earth, and there is no going back.

Our future is not clear, but it is also not good. Most people are not talking about it.

But they are rushing to lakes, beaches, mountains, parks, and family homes. It is not quite a frenzy yet, but it is getting there.

Unstated is the thought: How much time do we have? We better get busy checking off the bucket list. Things may not last until retirement, or if they do, we may not be able to get there.

The realization that the roaring American economy is a sham created to make the tiny elite richer as they destroy the planet produces mental paralysis in late-stage capitalist societies. Talk about anything else, but not another financial collapse.

Inflation is safe to discuss by pretending it is caused by something other than capitalist gouging. Inflation is always someone’s fault, but not the people causing it.

Deficits are good to complain about for those who think an entity printing its own money is the same as a household budget. That error ruins the analogy, but that is not the point. Someone can be blamed for…



Mike Meyer

Writer, Educator, Campus CIO (retired) . Essays on our changing reality here, news and more at